Uptake of the Covid-19 Vaccine is Already Lower Among Ethnic Minority Communities. We Need to Act Now

Feb 15, 2021
In the next of our Covid-19 vaccines series, we take a look at the issues around lower uptake among ethnic minorities, examine the causes of this problem and look for solutions. We would like to note that data on vaccine uptake is only starting to emerge, so it is too early to have a full picture.

As the Coronavirus vaccine roll-out continues fears that uptake would be lower among ethnic minorities are increasingly being confirmed.

Just 57% of BAME respondents in a December survey for the...

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Coronavirus, Ethnic Minority Communities and Wellbeing

Nov 08, 2020
As part of our blogs series, we take a look at the impact of COVID-19 on ethnic minority communities and its impact on wellbeing.

Early on this spring it became clear that the outbreak of COVID-19 was particularly impacting those from ethnic minority backgrounds.

Strikingly, a memorial post from the British Medical Journal highlighted that of the doctors who had died during the pandemic a high proportion were from Black and Asian ethnic groups.

Another post from the British Medical...

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